
Success Stories

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Newline interactive displays at Puertos del Estado

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Puertos del Estado is a public business body that depends on the Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana. Its importance lies in the fact that our country has the longest coastline in the European Union, with a total of 8,000 km. This reality, together with Spain’s geographical location, makes it essential to have a body that develops and coordinates international maritime transport strategy.

This function requires its president, Francisco Toledo Lobo, and other officials to maintain direct contact with members of the national government and foreign representatives. Video conferences are a fundamental part of the work routine, as much as face-to-face meetings, even more so now due to the COVID-19.

This non-touch screen offers everything you need to make presentations, share content, files, and videos wirelessly.

The impact of travel restrictions within and outside our borders is reduced thanks to the 98-inch Newline NT screen in the boardroom of the State Ports offices. This monitor replaces the projection system that was used before the pandemic and which did not provide the necessary quality results.

The saying “less is more” comes to life in Newline’s NT series. This non-touch screen offers everything you need to make presentations, share content, files, and videos wirelessly. It has a built-in microphone, so you only need a modular camera to participate in digital meetings. Thanks to echo cancellation, noise reduction, and the elimination of microphone reverberation, conversations are clear regardless of the acoustics of the venue.

Newline has a wide range of interactive monitors specially developed to boost the corporate environment, whatever sector they belong to. If you want to know more about the details of each one, click here and request a demo.


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